News | 19 Feb 2021

"Renewable energy" trends of the energy market in the future.

Currently, trends of electricity demand are still rapidly increasing due to the economic and industrial expansion in the country. Complies with the PDP(Power Development Plan) 2018-2037, revision 1 on Oct 2020, domestic electricity demand forecasting is increased which is calculated from GDP(gross domestic product) 3.8% per year and the average population growth rate, even though decreasing -0.02% per year.

Nowadays, electric vehicle technology is becoming more important, including EVs and plug-in hybrids which reduce pollution and environmentally friendly. Especially when the government conducts policies to support electric vehicles usage. This led to an increase of nearly 560 charging stations and more than 1,800 charging points in 2020, another reason for the rising trend of domestic electricity consumption.

However, the electricity production from conventional resources include coal or natural gas ,which cannot be replaced and has to be used up in the future, cannot support the sustainably increase electricity consumption. So, many countries have started finding the solution of renewable energy, including “Solar rooftop programme” of Thailand which allows the general public to sell their excess electricity back to the government at a price of 2.20 baht per unit, an increase from 1.68 baht per unit from the first phase of the project for encourage the renewable energy usage from residential level.

Apparently, in the future, clean energy will play an important role in every sector. Although renewable energy has many advantages, there are limitations as today's technology is not able to produce 100% accurate production forecasts, including battery for energy storage is still expensive and affects the difficulty in energy management. The development of trading technology and electricity energy management is another good option that can solve the problem of volatility and also increases the efficiency of renewable energy usage.



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